
1. How do I add a new employee?

Only a user with manager permissions can create a new employee.

Go to Management > Organizational settings > Employees:

In this screen you will see a list of all current employees.
Press the "add a new employee" .

A new employee screen will open up.
Here, you need to fill the essential data about the employee.
Mandatory fields:

  • User namea name that does not already exist in the system, a lot of companies choose to put id numbers in this field.
  • Password & password confirmation.
  • Type of user - employee/manager (defines the user's permissions in the system).
  • Display name.
  • Employee number - a number that does not already exist in the system, a lot of companies choose to put id numbers in this field.
  • Email address.

You can also add some more details like:

  • Employee position & category
  • Timesheet approved by - here you can set the manager that will approve this employees reports.

In case you have an attendance clock in your organization:

It is very important you fill the "Punch clock Employee number" - the number that belongs to this employee in the attendance clock. Once you fill this field check the "Enable punch clock" checkbox.

When you're finished filling all the necessary fields - click on the "save" button at the bottom of the screen.

2. Work profile assignment

Follow the explanation at the link:
