A task group is a group of common tasks that are not necessarily assigned to one specific client but are more general tasks that the organization/ a certain division performs for several clients. Creating a task group can allow an employee to report the same common tasks for different clients.

How do I create a new Task Group?
Only a user with manager permissions can create task groups.

1. Go to Management > Task Groups

In this screen you will see all the task groups in your organization.
To add a new task group press the button "Add".

A new row will be added at the bottom of the task group list. Fill the task group name and finally press the "save" button.

2. Go to Management > tasks>

Select task Group and then press the button "Add".

It will open a new row for the name task, when you finish adding all the tasks, please save 

3.Management > task group customer's mapping>

Select the task(s) group and the costumer(s)  then save 

4. Assign the task group to the employees 



4.3 Select the task groups for each employee and save