
How do I set up email alerts for employees/managers? 

The system looks for entries that were not reported as required by the organization and alerts the relevant users. 

Furthermore, periodic alerts of different types can be configured for both users and managers. 

Go to : Management >  Notifications Center

In this page you can configure the alerts sent to employees and managers in your organization.

You can define daily alerts and monthly alerts. 

There are alerts for employees and alerts for managers.

1. To turn on an alert mark    the check box next to the desired alert then press the "save changes" button.

2. Configure an alerts properties press the  link .

configuration screen will appear where you can set different properties of the alert:
Sending date/time, sending on non work days, alert content ect.

3. In order to check to whom you send which mail you must click on Manage user notification 

A table will show up: workers list and alerts they recives, 

by adding a V you will add the worker to the receiving alert list