go to > reports > hour report


search categories appears in the next screen.

you can search for hours report by specific date range:

click on the calendar and choose your dates:

you can search by unit organization:


search for inactive employees: clicking on "show inactive employees" button  also shows inactive employees in the organization: 


search by entering free text: write the name of the employee you want to search for: 

search by employee :

select the employee's name select the employee by marking the checkbox and click on the search button/ search for all employees by clicking the "choose all" button:

search by  costumer / project / task:

 select the costumer / project / task and click on the "search" button:

if you want the hours report to include the absences, mark the "show absence tasks" checkbox:

"show comments" checkbox will display comments written on any task performed on that day:

you can search by filter using comment: mark the "filter using comment" checkbox and write the note you want to search for:

"show organizational unit" checkbox will display the organizational unit where the employee is located.

"show deleted" checkbox display the changes the employee have made in reporting the employee's hours if the employee has deleted them in favor of any change:   

**after filtering the system will display the hours report by the same filter selected.